
Gin. Knitting. Monkeys. What more could you ask for?!

13 June 2007

Gotta Love the Monkeyz

Speaking of being a smarty-farty, did I mention WeeMonkeyGurl is spending TWO MONTHS in Hawaii?! I swear, that child will be some sort of elected official. She's not particularly book smart, but she is pretty savvy for an 8-year old.

When going to her guitar recital last Monday night, accompanied by the Grandparents and the Jman (Momma Monkey was too worn out by the festivities of the weekend to attend), she asked the G-rents, "So. . . when are you going back to Hawaii? Can I come?"

Of course, the G-rents were all over that in a heartbeat. As the only g-child in existence and likely the only one ever, they are more than ever devoted to her. The Jman had to step in and say that Momma first had to be consulted.

Well, given my reacquaintance with the notion that "life is short" and "know when to let go", I said, "What the heck." They love her, they will take care of her, and maybe even arrange for some things I can't afford, like a tutor or specialty classes she can't get from her summer camp. Since they were agreeable to all that (they have secured the services of a 3rd/4th grade teacher to tutor her and enrolled her in both hula and ukelele (ELLEN!) lessons), I was agreeable to letting her stay for a longer period of time. Turns out two months is not unreasonable.

Hey, if I was able to choose between spending the nastiest, grimiest months in Smellay or in Hawaii, I know which one I'd choose.

Speaking of cute little monkeys, here are some obligatory pix of this past weekend. Steven turned 5 and had his Star Wars-themed birthday party on Saturday.
Birthday Vader with wee sister Olivia as Princess Leia

My beautiful Baby O with a suitably-costumed Gus-Gus

WMG with Baby O as "twin" Princess Leias

Leia v. Tank Gurl (Can you believe the barbie in the background was on her cell phone the *entire* time?!) (and yes, I know Tank Girl is a different movie, but I *love* Tank Girl, and it's set in the future and I had the makings of the costume in my closet, and. . .)

Bday Vader's BFF and *SINGLE* father

I guess the grown-ups weren't supposed to dress up. . .Ooops.

Another Leia who desperately wants to be Bday Vader's girl friend, but. . .

How can she compete with Bday Vader's *real* girlfriend?!

Obligatory Cute Baby shot

And it's true -

The Nice Gurls *always* love the BAD BOYZ.

In the words of CAP,

Tank Gurl rockin' the Mini.

Fortunately, no pictures exist of the a-dolts partaking of the Jedi-Juice - equal parts lemonade and vodka, which WMG pronounces "WAHD-ka". I think she's been exposed to too many cocktail hours. . .


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Laurie Ann said...

Well, look who's back with a vengeance. I, too, love Tank Girl.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

Hawaii well who would try to get on that trip?
Tank Girl RULES!!!
And you do too. Glad to have you back.

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Viva Scrapper! said...

that's so CUTE...kid's have the best parties these days!

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some nice boys also usually love the bad boyz... ;)

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Ellen Bloom said...

Can I go for two months too? I wanna take ukulele lessons in Hawaii! Whine, Whine!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Sachi said...

Holy moly, those legs on you! Woohoo!!!

Besides that, OMG dying from the over-cuteness of those kids.


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