
Gin. Knitting. Monkeys. What more could you ask for?!

20 February 2007

Life's Little Questions. . .

Apropos of nothing. . .

If the pace of traffic, generally, is about 65 mph, and the HOV lane is clear, why do some people find it their moral imperative to go 60 mph in the HOV lane?

If someone is conspicuously NOT smoking (i.e., reading a book, knitting, etc.), why would someone sit NEXT TO that person to smoke, given that there are plenty of other places to sit and smoke?

And conversely, if someone is conspicuously smoking (say, at an outdoor bar or cafe or someplace else where the choice has not been legislated away), why would someone choose to sit next to that person and make gagging and coughing sounds, along with the dramatic wave of the hand?

Why do self-important groups of people find it necessary to walk abreast of each other, and expect people walking in the opposite direction to make way for them?

And most importantly, who the HELL is Martha (see 4th comment) and who drove a stake up his arse?


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do self-important groups of people find it necessary to walk abreast of each other, and expect people walking in the opposite direction to make way for them?"

This one pisses me off to no end...

As does Martha. Clearly a small-penised man who's bitter that he can't get laid...

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Laurie Ann said...

If I'm not mistaken, Martha is one of Ucc's friends from her Guilty Pleasure post and the previous shit storm is stirred up.
That or you've spurned him in the past and he's seriously pissed off. Oh the jilted lovers you've left to drown in lacrimal rivers.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

self-important people and groups like to show everyone how RIGHT they are.

i also suspect martha is courtesy of uccellina's post.


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Uccellina said...

I think "friend" is stretching a point. "Martha" is the sock puppet of one of the MRA trolls, yes. I don't know why he felt obligated to show up here. Please feel free to ban him unto the netherworld.


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