We're Still Around. . .
Wow. Wow, wow, wowwie wow-wow. What a frickin way to start of the new year. When preparing to support my friend in her loss of female innards, the WMG and I came down with a nasty little buggie. OH MY GOODNESS. It wasn't too bad for me, but poor WMG just was spewing from both ends, usually between midnight and 3am, so that made for some interesting coupola days.
My girlfriend made it through her surgery with flying colors. THANK THE GODS. She is such a trooper. I briefly interrupted my catchin-up-with-ex-mas knitting for a quickie comfort giftie. It wasn't as quick as I had hoped, however, because I was totally flying solo (i.e., no pattern for the wicked). PLUS, I intended to model it after her doggie, who is a gorgeous, solid black Tosa, which is not only rare, but undocumented in Southern California (so we surmise she's here illegally) and she was found in the LA Animal Shelter by my bestest pal, Douggles, who was there to claim Frankie, whom J-man had rescued outside our house when we lived by Roscoe's. Phew. How's that for a digression?! Anyhoo, I decided to use this yarn that I "accidentally" found at a Wally World in San Diego. Of course, I didn't get a black skein at the time because, what the heck would I need black for?! (Joke for all that know me.)
I decided to go check out the Wallys in Torrance because I'd heard great things about it. Great indeed. There was only ONE SKEIN of the black left, but I still managed to spend $203 and fill up not only the trunk of my car, but the back seat and passenger seat as well. Nice. Well, in addition to some much needed (and yet to be utilized) storage bins, I got some lavender-scented beads, which I though I could put in the giftie's belly, since lavender is supposed to be soothing.
I think I overdid it with the beads (it being my first time, I thought they would air out a bit), but of course, 'Dre was completely gracious and said how much she loves lavender petted the giftie the whole time. (Blurry camera photo.)
When she returned home, she sent me this email:
"Olivia and I fought over what she insisted was Stitch today. My little stuffed puppy. She wanted it. Steven although insisted it looked like Stella [the Tosa]. This is how I won out over the Stella/Stitch battle. Olivia kept saying it was hers. So I told her that her pink cowboy boots were mine. She said that I had my own cowboy boots. I said but not pink. So she gave in.
"By the way, i didn't tell you that the dolly you made is on the "A-List." She has 3 (well 4 if you count the bear she uses as a pillow) toys that she lets sleep with her EVERY night. (Dolly is in that group) then the others need a special inviation when she feels like it. She is such a diva."
Oh how I love that gurl.
More on my own Wee Monkey Gurl when I have a minute...
I hope you're feeling better. We missed you tonight.
Welcome back to the Blog-o-sphere! Missed you and hearing about all of your adventures!
Me too, I love reading about your adventures!
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